Acutus is a specialist consultancy. Our core business is in providing construction planning and commercial expertise to the construction industry. Our key staff are engineers and quantity surveyors with considerable experience in contracting and are regularly appointed as Experts in their fields.
Advisory Services - Time
Delay and disruption in construction contracts is a thorny issue which can cause considerable expense and distraction in the day to day business of the companies involved. It also attracts much attention from construction professionals and the legal industry. The subject matter is often difficult and this underlines the requirement for suitably qualified and experienced personnel to examine, test, analyse and report on such issues.
Techniques and methodologies abound in delay analysis. We take a practical approach, which is appropriate to the factual circumstances.
Advisory Services - Money
Reliable and independent quantum advice is vital when financial difficulties arise in construction projects. Each project is unique. We tailor our approach to match the needs of the Client. We provide quantum advice separately or in concert with our planning & programming services.
Sunday 16 February 2025